Gender-based violence is defined as violence directed at an individual based on the person’s biological sex or gender identity. It is rooted in structural gender inequalities, patriarchy, and power imbalances. Gender-based violence is typically characterized by the use or threat of physical, psychological, sexual, economic, legal, political, social, and other forms of control and/or abuse. It affects individuals across the life course, and has direct and indirect costs to families, communities, economies, global public health, and development. In an effort to prevent and respond to gender-based violence, the key principles of Do No Harm, listed in the sidebar, should be kept in mind at all times.
A Survivor-Centered Approach means recognizing and prioritizing the rights, needs, and wishes of the person who has experienced gender-based violence. A survivor-centered approach creates a supportive environment, ensures safety and dignity to promote a survivor’s recovery, and reinforces the survivor’s capacity to make decisions about possible interventions.